Join us for a live, 3-hour workshop and we'll show you...
Get Our Proven System To Create A Low-Ticket "Buyer Magnet" Offer That Turns Strangers Into Pre-Sold Buyers For Your Premium Courses, Coaching, & Services
Here's everything you're getting:
The Buyer Magnet Blueprint Training
Part 1: “Magnetize Pre-Sold Buyers”
Part 2: “Purchase Intent Amplification”
Part 3: “Buyer Magnet Content Framework”
Part 4: “Design Your Buyer Magnet Offer”
Bonus #1: Live Q&A + Buyer Magnet Feedback Session
Bonus #2: Sales-Optimized Members’ Area Tour
Bonus #3: Lifetime Replay Access
We're hosting this workshop 2x, LIVE on Zoom, so you can ask lots of questions, and connect with other experts on the same journey.
Workshop #1: Mon., December 9th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
Workshop #2: Tues., December 10th @ 1pm PT / 4pm ET
Bonus Q&A: Wed., December 11th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
Your Ticket + Replay: Just $47
Regular Admission: $47
Right Now: Just $17 With Code 'BMBEARLYBIRD'
63% Early Bird Discount Expires on 12/5 @ 11:59pm PT
14-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Your purchase is covered by our 14-day 100% money back guarantee. That means you can join us for the full live workshop, listen to the replays, and even implement our systems... And you're either thrilled with how much this transforms your business, or just send us one email and we'll refund you in full.
Yes! Reserve my seat!
Apply Code 'BMBEARLYBIRD' For $30 OFF
First 200 Tickets Only. Expires 12/5/24 @ 11:59pm PT.
Apply Code 'BMBEARLYBIRD' For $30 OFF
First 200 Tickets Only.
Expires 12/5/24 @ 11:59pm PT.
Your information is secure & will not be shared.
All payments secured by 256-bit encryption
That's ok!
We're hosting the workshop itself 2x live -- on different days and at different times -- so as many people as possible have the opportunity to experience it live.
The two workshop sessions will have the same content, so you don't need to attend both.
(Though you are welcome to, if you'd like.)
But if you can't make either session live, your ticket purchase includes FREE lifetime replay access to the workshop and Q&As.
So if you can't attend the live sessions at all... or would like to review what you learned...
You'll always have the replay available to watch, along with any bonus resources.
Yes! Your ticket purchase includes FREE lifetime replay access to the workshop and Q&As.
So if you can't attend the live sessions at all... or would like to review what you learned...
You'll always have the replay available to watch, along with any bonus resources.
Not at this time, no. This workshop will be hosted LIVE on Zoom.
So you'll be able to join us live for these sessions:
Session #1: Mon., December 9th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
Session #2: Tues., December 10th @ 1pm PT / 4pm ET
Bonus Q&A: Wed., December 11th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET
The recordings and bonus content will be posted in your members' area as soon as possible after the live workshop has concluded.